YOUNG LIVING is the WORLD LEADER IN ESSENTIAL OILS~! When You are ready to move toward what you want in YOUR LIFE... You WILL achieve ... Health♥Purpose♥Abundance♥......... Begin your journey to a Healthier Life TODAY~!
Monday, January 27, 2014
{{{ CONTEST }}}
Here's the DEAL ... I have been getting some interest in my blog from Germany~! So this is going to be Very Simple...THE FIRST PERSON In GERMANY TO WRITE A COMMENT IN ONE OF MY BLOG POSTS THAT HAS BEEN INTERESTED IN GETTING THESE ESSENTIAL OIlS FOR THEMSELVES....I will give you $20 voucher towards your very own Premium Start Living with the Everyday Oils kit~! This kit is worth just over $300... and sells for $150... and I will be giving one person this offer...I am giving you $20 ... which makes your $300 kit... ONLY $130~! BE THE FIRST TO START YOUR JOURNEY OF WELLNESS~! I will be checking daily for the winner, so I can give you the voucher code #
Essentially Yours, Gail~!
Saturday, January 25, 2014
DID YOU KNOW... There are over 50+ hospitals that use Young Living Essential Oils??? This is awesome....
The inhalation of essential oils heightens the senses and can trigger numerous desired responses in the body. Below are some techniques used to inhale essential oils:
+ Diffuse the oils using a young Living diffuser which disperses the oil in a micro-fine vapor into the air. The Young Living diffuser will not heat the oil, thus ensuring full benefits, as extreme heat can damage important constituent in the oil.
+ Direct inhalation - Simply smell them.
***APPLY NEAT***(directly) to the skin...some oils may need to be added to a carrier oil, such as YL's V-6, sweet almond oil, grape seed oil, ect.
*** Key points of application on the body are:
Crown of head, temples, neck, abdomen, soles and top of feet, forehead, behind ears, upper back, over vital organs, ankles
+Internal consumption
*** Research indicates that some oils are more effective when taken orally. Only pure essential oils, proven safe and labeled as dietary supplements, should be used internally. Dilution and dosage is dependent on the age, size, and the health constitution of the individual. Follow the recommended dosage on individual product labels to ensure safety or seek the advice of a health professional before administering oil internally.
Many oils, touted as essential oils, are derived with harsh chemicals, diluted, or copied and produced in a lab. Cheap copies bring cheap results and have the potential to be toxic. Therefore, it is imperative to take great care in choosing high quality essential oils.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Take Control ... Turn your life around... with Essential Oils~! Gail Toci - Independent Distributor #1091548
Join the millions of individuals who are rediscovering the natural healing powers of essential oils~!
"Seed to Seal ensures the authenticity of each essential oil and protects nature's living Energy in every bottle. Young Living completes the entire Seed to Seal process by validating plant species, growing crops on its own farms, personally distilling essential oils, testing for quality, and bottling the final product. Sead to Seal means knowing the essential oil at every step -- starting with the seed, through Cultivation, onto Distillation, Testing the natural profiles, and finally Sealing the precious gift in bottles and sending it to you. No one knows the Seed to Seal process like Young Living."
"Essential oils the volatile aromatic liquids created by plants to help them maintain their own health and vitality have been used by mankind for thousands of years to help enhance physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Science has only recently begun to unravel just how these precious liquids, and the chemical constituents they contain, can work to affect the body and mind." (back page of the: REFERENCE GUIDE FOR ESSENTIAL OILS, available through
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
I started using Joy every day, 1 drop on my heart, and I have never gone back to drugs. Sometimes if I need a boost of courage or confidence, I put Valor on my wrists or soles of my feet and if I'm anxious, I apply Peace & Calming to the tips of my ears. But, every day I use the drop of Joy over my heart and it works amazingly!
♥Amazing Uses for Peace & Calming Essential Oil♥
The oils in this blend have historically been used to help reduce depression, anxiety, stress, and tension. It may be useful at the end of a stressful day to promote relaxation and peace or to relieve insomnia~!
Single coils contained in this blend:
Tangerine --contains esters and aldehydes, which are sedating and calming to the nervous system. It is also a diuretic and decongestant of the lymphatic system.
Orange --brings peace and happiness to the mind and body and joy to the heart, which feelings provide emotional support to help one overcome depression.
Ylang Ylang--may help balance the male-female energies so one can move closer towards being in spiritual attunment and be able to focus their thoughts, filtering out the ever-present garbage. It brings back feelings of self love, confidence, joy, and peace.
Patchouli--is sedating, calming, and relaxing, allowing it to reduce anxiety.
Blue Tansy-- may help cleanse the liver and calm the lymphatic system.
Body systems affected: The oils in this blend may help it be effective for dealing with various problems related to the nervous system and to emotional balance.
***Use Young Living Essential Oil's Cinnamon, Ginger and Nutmeg, for a Real Treat for your skin and senses~!
This Gingerbread Sugar Scrub is sweet, warm and spicy. Enhanced with comforting scents of cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg, it’s sure to warm your spirit. It’s great to use in the shower, bath or have a bowlful next to the kitchen sink.
It’a also perfect for gift giving. Find a pretty jar add one of these Printable Gift Labels and you have the perfect gift for a neighbor, teacher or friend.
1 Cup Brown Sugar
1 Cup Granulated Sugar
2 tsp Cinnamon
2 tsp Ginger
2 tsp Nutmeg
1 Cup Oil (Coconut, Olive, Sweet Almond, Grape seed work best)
In a bowl combine both sugars, cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg.
Slowly add in your oil and break up any clumps that may form.
Spoon into a jar with a sealable lid.
Will last up to 6 months in a sealed container.
To Use:
In the shower, or bath, gently message on to areas of dry skin and rinse clean.
You can find mason jars at the grocery store. Or grab one like I have with a fancier lid. You can find them at Michaels, Hobby Lobby and even World Market
Fight the cold and flu...With Young Living Essential Oils~! Why be sick...GET BACK YOUR FEET FAST...
Essential Oil Reference Body Chart Confused on what to take? This is a wonderful quick reference ...
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
*** The following is a Testimonial from the website:
"My nephew who has several health challenges, was about to eat his lunch when all of a sudden he just stopped talking and sort of froze, not moving at all. I realized something had happened and asked what was wrong.
After several seconds he said that he was having palpitations which he had not had in a long time. I had my oils with me and quickly dropped about 3 drops of Aroma Life in his hand, told him to rub his heart area and smell the oil. He did that and in seconds he made a funny sound. I didn't know how to take that sound, it scared me. So with my eyes wide open and my heart pounding, I waited to hear what happened, he said, "It just ended, the palpitations just stopped. My beating is back to normal".
I breathed easier, I told him that Aroma Life is really good for the heart, also had him breath and rub Ylang Ylang, which he really liked. I myself have palpitations at times and am always stocked with Aroma Life and Ylang Ylang. Young Living Oils are the best. Nothing comes close to you. Thank you Gary Young."
LAVENDER PILLOW SPRAY: "I use a small glass spray bottle to make an amazing Lavender Pillow Spray. (The recipe is One to Two drops of Lavender Essential Oil in a glass spray bottle (6-12 oz) filled with distilled water.) This is great if you are traveling to spray on your hotel room bed sheets; Not only will it help you relax and sleep better, but it will help kill any unwanted germs! All Young Living Essential Oils are antibacterial and anti-viral. I also spray it all over my kids bed pillows at night to help them sleep."
LAVENDER BEAUTY TIP: " First mix 4 drops of Lavender Essential Oil in a bowl with 2 cups organic sea salts. Use that first to exfoliate your skin anywhere you would like! Then rinse off in the shower and follow up with aloe. (If you want to get Lavender Crazy you can even mix one drop of Lavender Essential Oil in with one cup of pure aloe. You can purchase an aloe plant at any health food store (filet the leaf like a fish and scoop out the aloe gel) or use the purest aloe in a bottle you can find. (no perfume or dyes please)"
ALLERGY RELIEF USING LAVENDER: "During allergy season everyone in my house uses Lavender. It is a natural antihistamine that works fast with no side effects! My husband simply puts one drop of lavender in his hands and rubs his sinuses under his eyes. I give my eight year old a teaspoon of organic raw local honey with one drop of Young Living Lavender Essential oil to take internally 3 times per day until her symptoms subside. My 12 year old uses the same recipe, but prefers to take in a vegetable capsule. I put one drop of Lavender in my favorite fresh squeezed juice or Ningxia Red. That is how we roll during allergy season! Also, it can’t hurt to diffuse Lavender in your bedroom while you are sleeping!"
LAVENDER LEMONADE RECIPE: "This is refreshing, improves your immune system and is super delicious. (7 lemons juiced, 2 limes juiced, ONE drop of Lavender Young Living Essential Oil, 14 cups water, 1-1/2 cup blue agave or your favorite sweetener like brown raw sugar to taste.) Mix all the ingredients together and chill. YUMMY!"
BURNS, CUTS AND INSECT BITES: "I cooked my way through college and I am no stranger to burns. When I would get a burn at work I would ice it; however, it would take a few hours before I could get to a doctor, fill the prescription and put the burn cream on the burn! I have to tell you that I keep a bottle of Lavender in my kitchen today! As soon as I get a burn I apply Lavender continuously until it stops hurting. I am still amazed to this day that since using Lavender on my burns I have never gotten a scar or a blister! Not only does it reduce scarring but it helps with the pain also! Lavender has often been called “The Swiss Army Knife of Essential Oils!” and it is true! Apply 2-3 drops on any insect bite, boo boo or burn."
SKIN IRRITATIONS, RASHES, ECZEMA AND DERMATITIS: Mix 3 drops of Lavender with 2 Tablespoons of Coconut Oil and apply over the irritated area. Re-apply a few times a day, every day and you will see results.
NATURAL BODY POWDER DEODORANT: " Mix 1/2 cup Arrowroot Powder, 1/2 cup Cornstarch and 5 drops of Lavender Oil in a bowl. Place in a air tight glass container. I clean out my old spice shakers and use them because it even comes with the plastic shaker stopper at the top! It’s a great organic, all natural deodorant for your body! Improve your health by staying away from toxic chemicals found in many deodorants such as parabens."
MENSTRUAL CRAMPS: "You can apply a few drops of Lavender Essential Oil and mix it with a tablespoon of organic grape seed or olive oil. Rub all over your chest and belly. This will help you with cramps. This also works for headaches; simply apply to your temples!"
ANXIETY, ADHD, AUTISM, STRESS: " Placing a few drops on the base of the neck and inhaling every 4 hours not only reduces stress, but has been shown to help people who suffer from anxiety, ADHD and Autism. Young Living also has many products that are infused with Lavender Essential Oil, such as the Lavender Foaming Hand Soap, The Lavender Body Wash, Lavender Hand & Body Lotion, and Lavender Lip Balm. I absolutely love the entire Lavender line from Young Living. However, I am mentioning these products for a more important reason, because if a child suffers from any of these symptoms this is a creative and easy way to get the lavender in the cells of the body to alleviate symptoms."
SLEEP ESSENCE: "Do you or someone you know suffer from insomnia? Simply rub lavender on your feet before bed and consider looking into Sleep Essence. This is one of the best nutritional supplements that Young Living makes. Sleep Essence is infused with a blend of Essential Oils including Lavender and also has 3.2 mg of Melatonin that is a natural sleep aid. You can take 1 to 2 soft gels 30-60 minutes before bedtime!"
DIFFUSING LAVENDER: " Inhaling lavender while you sleep will help you breath and sleep better! There are many diffusers on the market that you can purchase. Just make sure that they do not produce any heat. Heat will destroy the healing compounds found in Young Living Essential Oils. Young Livings Home Diffuser is my favorite for the bedroom and the Aria for any room."
PLEASE NOTE: Not all Lavender is the same. So if you are NOT using Young Living Products PLEASE read the label. If the Essential Oil bottle does not have an FDA approved food label or say “safe for internal ingestion” DO NOT USE IT FOR ANY OF THE WAYS LISTED IN THIS REPORT! Young Living has a saying… “If you can not drink it, don’t put it on your body!”
Learn How To Create Wellness, Purpose and Abundance In Your Life
Do you own a business and have no freedom?
Create Residual Income~!
Take Control of Your Life (What are you doing today that will change your Financial Situation?)
Live The Life of Your Dreams (Work From Home and Be Your Own Boss!)
"What do you want most in life for you and your family? Most people strive for good health and financial freedom. Young Living offers the opportunity to achieve both of those goals. We can show you a way to improve your health, improve your mental clarity, maintain a constant feeling of well-being, maintain weight, increase your energy and stamina. If you have ever considered enjoying a healthier lifestyle, with the freedom of being your own boss, Young Living Essential Oils is what you're looking for."
>>> Click on my Link above... JOIN MY TEAM HERE~! Seriously... can Anyone START A BUSINESS for ONLY $40 to $150... well YOU CAN~! Gail Toci * Independent Distributor #1091548
***Note...You do Not have to start a business to enjoy the benefits of using Essential can become an Independent Distributor, and order these products just for your own use, joining just means you SAVE 24% off retail and receive all the other added discounts and promotions~!
"I have been drinking about 2 ounces of Ningxia Red for the last two years on a daily basis. I have noticed that my allergies have cleared, my hair has grown and is healthy, no morning aches and pains, improved memory, no menopause symptoms and most notable & verifiable--my eyesight has improved in both eyes and this has been verified by my eyeglass and contact lens prescriptions coming down .25 and .50 points. I am sure there are other benefits that I don't even know are happening to my body. Ningxia Red is my lifetime elixir." ♥(this is a testimonial from the website > You are about to discover Natures Pharmacy and Totally Change Your Life~! These two products CAN transform your LIFE~!
NINGXIA RED - Is not simply a fruit drink; it is nutritionally a Super Whole Food. It can have a great impact on your health~!
NINGXIA NITRO- Combines 100% pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils with naturally powerful ingredients to lift mental clarity and focus while also providing a surge of energy when needed~!
Primary Benefits:
*Increases mental fitness, cognitive alertness, and physical acuity*
* Enhances athletic performance and endurance*
* Boosts energy and serves as a daily pick-me-up*
Monday, January 13, 2014
Yay! Spring is almost here - the time of new beginnings~! One of my favorite new beginnings?...I have been using essential oils for about ...

Citrus oils are very benefial to our fact I have had stomach issues almost my entire adult life and ever since I have been addin...
The Twelve Ancient oils of the Bible~! ***FRANKINCENSE ESSENTIAL OIL "Frankincense has a sweet, warm, balsamic aroma that is stimulati...
*** The following is a Testimonial from the website: " My nephew who has several health challenges, was abo...